



结果 • 印度及孟加拉解放军胜利,巴基斯坦战败
• 孟加拉随后独立
• 东部军事最高司令部瓦解
领土变更 东巴基斯坦脱离巴基斯坦成为孟加拉

孟加拉国 孟加拉

印度 印度 (1971年12月3日参战)[1]

巴基斯坦 巴基斯坦

孟加拉国 M. A. G. Osmani将军
J.S. Aurora中将
Sam Manekshaw元帅
Sagat Singh中将
JFR Jacob少将
A.A.K. Niazi中将 投降
Tikka Khan中将
M. Shariff少将 投降
Enamul Huq准将
孟加拉国部队: 175,000人[2][3]
印度: 250,000人[2]

巴基斯坦战斗部队: ~ 365,000人[2]

巴基斯坦准军事部队: ~250,000人[4]
孟加拉国部队: 30,000人
印度: 1,426人 阵亡
3,611人 受伤 (官方)
1,525人 阵亡
4,061人 受伤[5]

~8,000人 阵亡[来源请求]
~10,000人 受伤[来源请求]
93,000人 [6] 战俘

平民死亡人数: (估计)达到3,000,000人[8]

孟加拉国解放战争,或作巴基斯坦内战孟加拉国独立战争(孟加拉语:Mukti Judhho、英语:Bangladesh Liberation War)是东巴基斯坦(即今天的孟加拉)和印度对抗西巴基斯坦(即今天的巴基斯坦)的武装冲突。战争结果导致东巴基斯坦的分裂,独立成为孟加拉

战争于1971年3月26日The war broke out on 26 March 1971 as army units directed by West Pakistan launched a military operation in East Pakistan against Bengali civilians, students, intelligentsia, and armed personnel who were demanding separation of the East from West Pakistan. Bengali military, paramilitary, and civilians formed the Mukti Bahini (孟加拉语মুক্তি বাহিনী "Liberation Army") and used guerrilla warfare tactics to fight against the West Pakistan army. India provided economic, military and diplomatic support to the Mukti Bahini rebels, leading West Pakistan to launch Operation Chengiz Khan, a pre-emptive attack on the western border of India which started the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.

On 16 December 1971, the allied forces of the Indian army and the Mukti Bahini defeated the West Pakistani forces deployed in the East. The resulting surrender was the largest in number of prisoners of war since World War II.


  1. ^ Gen. Tikka Khan, 87; 'Butcher of Bengal' Led Pakistani Army. The Los Angeles Times. 30 March 2002. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 India – Pakistan War, 1971; Introduction – Tom Cooper, Khan Syed Shaiz Ali
  3. ^ Pakistan & the Karakoram Highway By Owen Bennett-Jones, Lindsay Brown, John Mock, Sarina Singh, Pg 30</
  4. ^ p442 Indian Army after Independence by KC Pravel: Lancer 1987 [ISBN 81-7062-014-7]
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Figures from The Fall of Dacca by Jagjit Singh Aurora in The Illustrated Weekly of India dated 23 December 1973 quoted in Indian Army after Independence by KC Pravel: Lancer 1987 [ISBN 81-7062-014-7]
  6. ^ 54 Indian PoWs of 1971 war still in Pakistan. DailyTimes. Wednesday, January 19, 2005 [11 October 2011]. 
  7. ^ Figure from Pakistani Prisoners of War in India by Col S.P. Salunke p.10 quoted in Indian Army after Independence by KC Pravel: Lancer 1987 (ISBN 81-7062-014-7)
  8. ^ Bangladesh sets up war crimes court – Central & South Asia. Al Jazeera English. 25 March 2010 [23 June 2011].