

Old Brittonic / Common Brittonic
ISO 639-3

古布立吞语(英语:Old Brittonic),又称普通布立吞语Common BrittonicCommon BrythonicBritish)为曾经通行于大不列颠岛的一种古老P-凯尔特语。亦称为不列颠人(Britons (Celtic people))的凯尔特人所使用的语言,在公元6世纪时它分裂成不同的布立吞亚支各式语言:威尔士语坎伯兰语康沃尔语,及布列塔尼语等语言。它被归类为P-凯尔特语海岛凯尔特语支

古布立吞语为海岛凯尔特语之一种,它源自原始凯尔特语,一个假设性的源头语言,在公元前第一个千禧年的上半年就已经分散为不同的方言或语支。[1][2][3][4] 有一些证据表明,皮克特语可能和"古布立吞语"有密切的关连,也可能是第五个语支。[5][6][7]



  1. ^ Henderson, Jon C. The Atlantic Iron Age: Settlement and Identity in the First Millennium BC. Routledge. 2007: 292–295. 
  2. ^ Sims-Williams, Patrick. Studies on Celtic Languages before the Year 1000. CMCS. 2007: 1. 
  3. ^ Koch, John. Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. 2006: 1455. 
  4. ^ Eska, Joseph. Continental Celtic. Roger Woodard (编). The Ancient Languages of Europe. Cambridge. 2008. 
  5. ^ Forsyth, Katherine. John Koch , 编. Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. 2006: 1444, 1447. 
  6. ^ Forsyth, Katherine, Language in Pictland : the case against "non-Indo-European Pictish" (Utrecht: de Keltische Draak, 1997), 27.
  7. ^ Jackson, Kenneth. The Pictish Language. F. T. Wainwright (编). The Problem of the Picts. Edinburgh: Nelson. 1955: 129–166. 


  • Atkinson and Gray[需要解释] (2005) "Are Accurate Dates an Intractable Problem for Historical Linguistics?". In: Mapping Our Ancestors页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆, Collard, Mark, et al., eds. Transaction Books
  • Filppula, M., Klemola, J. and Pitkänen, H. (2001). The Celtic Roots of English, (Studies in languages, No. 37), University of Joensuu, Faculty of Humanities, ISBN 978-952-458-164-6.
  • Forsyth, K. (1997) Language in Pictland.
  • Jackson, K. (1953) Language and History in Early Britain.
  • Jackson, K. (1955) "The Pictish Language" in F. T. Wainwright The Problem of the Picts. London: Nelson.
  • Koch, J. (1986) «New Thought on Albion, Ieni and the "Pretanic Isles"» in: Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium; 6, 1–28 (1986).
  • Lambert, P.-Y. (ed.), Recueil des inscriptions gauloises II.2. Textes gallo-latins sur instrumentum, Paris: CNRS Editions, 2002, p. 304-306.
  • Lambert, Pierre-Yves (2003). La langue gauloise. 2nd edition. Paris, Editions Errance. p. 176
  • Lockwood, W. B. (1975) Languages of the British Isles Past and Present, London: Deutsch ISBN 978-0-233-96666-3
  • Ostler, Nicholas (2005) Empires of the Word. London: HarperCollins ISBN 978-0-00-711870-0.
  • Price, G. (2000). Languages of Britain and Ireland, Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-631-21581-3
  • Rivet, A. and Smith, C. (1979) The Place-Names of Roman Britain
  • Sims-Williams, Patrick (2003) The Celtic Inscriptions of Britain: phonology and chronology, c.400–1200. Oxford, Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-4051-0903-1
  • Trudgill, P. (ed.) (1984) Language in the British Isles, Cambridge University Press.
