纓京蜂科 化石時期:
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稻虱纓小蜂 | |
科學分類 | |
界: | 動物界 Animalia |
門: | 節肢動物門 Arthropoda |
綱: | 昆蟲綱 Insecta |
目: | 膜翅目 Hymenoptera |
(未分級): | 單距類 Unicalcarida |
亞目: | 細腰亞目 Apocrita |
下目: | 寄生蜂下目 Parasitica |
總科: | 小蜂總科 Chalcidoidea |
科: | 纓京蜂科 Mymaridae |
纓小蜂科(Mymaridae)也被稱為仙女蜂科(fairy wasp或fairyfly),是小蜂總科下的一個科,遍布世界溫帶和熱帶區域。纓小蜂科包含100個屬和1400個物種。
同大多是小蜂總科的生物一樣,纓小蜂科的昆蟲都十分微小,通常只有0.5至1.0 mm(0.020至0.039英寸)長。 纓小蜂科包含目前已知的最小昆蟲,體長只有0.139 mm(0.0055英寸)。最小的飛蟲也屬於纓小蜂科,體長為0.15 mm(0.0059英寸)。纓小蜂科通常為黑色、棕色或黃色。雌性觸角明顯地呈片段型的傾斜,而雄性觸角則是線狀的。它們的翅膀一般是細長的,具有長鬃毛,看起來呈羽毛狀,但也有的物種擁有很短的翅膀或完全沒有翅膀。通過頭部縫線的H形圖案可以區別纓小蜂科與其他小蜂總科生物。
有 † 標誌的為已經滅絕的屬
- Acanthomymar Subba Rao, 1970
- Acmopolynema Ogloblin, 1946
- Acmotemnus Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Agalmopolynema Ogloblin, 1960
- Alaptus Ferrière, 1930
- Allanagrus Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Allarescon Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Anagroidea Girault, 1915
- Anagrus Haliday, 1833
- Anaphes Haliday, 1833
- Anneckia Subba Rao, 1970
- Apoxypteron Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Arescon Walker, 1846
- Australomymar Girault, 1929
- Baburia Hedqvist, 2004
- Bakkendorfia Mathot, 1966
- Boccacciomymar Triapitysn & Berezovskiy, 2007
- Borneomymar Huber, 2002
- Boudiennyia Girault, 1937
- Bruchomymar Ogloblin, 1939
- Caenomymar Yoshimoto, 1990
- Callodicopus Ogloblin, 1955
- Camptoptera Förster, 1856
- Camptopteroides Viggiani, 1974
- Caraphractus Walker, 1846
- Ceratanaphes Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Chaetomymar Ogloblin, 1946
- Chrysoctonus Mathot, 1966
- Cleruchoides Lin & Huber, 2007
- Cleruchus Enock, 1909
- Cnecomymar Ogloblin, 1963
- Cremnomymar Ogloblin, 1952
- Cybomymar Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Dicopomorpha Ogloblin, 1955
- Dicopus Enock, 1909
- Dorya Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Entrichopteris Yoshimoto, 1990
- Eofoersteria Mathot, 1966
- Erdosiella Soyka, 1956
- Erythmelus Enock, 1909
- Eubroncus Yoshimoto, Kozlov & Trjapitzin, 1972
- Eucleruchus Ogloblin, 1940
- Eustochomorpha Girault, 1915
- Eustochus Haliday, 1833
- Formicomymar Yoshimoto, 1990
- Gahanopsis Ogloblin, 1946
- Ganomymar De Santis, 1972
- Gonatocerus Nees, 1834
- Haplochaeta Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Himopolynema Taguchi, 1977
- Idiocentrus Gahan, 1927
- Ischiodasys Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Kalopolynema Ogloblin, 1960
- Kikiki Huber & Beardsley, 2000
- Kompsomymar Lin & Huber, 2007
- Krokella Huber, 1993
- Kubja Subba Rao, 1984
- Litus Haliday, 1833
- Macrocamptoptera Girault, 1910
- Malfattia Meunier, 1901
- Mimalaptus Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Mymar Curtis, 1829
- Mymarilla Westwood, 1879
- Myrmecomymar Yoshimoto, 1990
- Narayanella Subba Rao, 1976
- Neolitus Ogloblin, 1935
- Neomymar Crawford, 1913
- Neostethynium Ogloblin, 1964
- Neserythmelus Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Nesomymar Valentine, 1971
- Nesopatasson Valentine, 1971
- Notomymar Doutt & Yoshimoto, 1970
- Omyomymar Schauff, 1983
- Ooctonus Haliday, 1833
- Palaeoneura Waterhouse, 1915
- Palaeopatasson Witsack, 1986
- Paracmotemnus Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Paranaphoidea Girault, 1913
- Parapolynema Fidalgo, 1982
- Parastethynium Lin & Huber in Lin, Huber & La Salle, 2007
- Platyfrons Yoshimoto, 1990
- Platypolynema Ogloblin, 1960
- Platystethynium Ogloblin, 1946
- Polynema Haliday, 1833
- Polynemoidea Girault, 1913
- Polynemula Ogloblin, 1967
- Prionaphes Hincks, 1961
- Pseudanaphes Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Pseudocleruchus Donev & Huber, 2002
- Ptilomymar Annecke & Doutt, 1961
- Restisoma Yoshimoto, 1990
- Richteria Girault, 1920
- Schizophragma Ogloblin, 1949
- Scleromymar Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Steganogaster Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- Stephanocampta Mathot, 1966
- Stephanodes Enock, 1909
- Stethynium Enock, 1909
- Tanyostethium Yoshimoto, 1990
- Tetrapolynema Ogloblin, 1946
- Tinkerbella Huber & Noyes, 2013
- Zelanaphes Noyes & Valentine, 1989
- †Carpenteriana Yoshimoto, 1975
- †Enneagmus Yoshimoto, 1975
- †Eoanaphes Huber in Huber & Greenwalt, 2011
- †Eoeustochus Huber in Huber & Greenwalt, 2011
- †Macalpinia Yoshimoto, 1975
- †Myanmymar Huber in Huber & Poinar, 2011
- †Triadomerus Yoshimoto, 1975
- ^ Kari T. Ryder Wilkie. Francis Walker (1809–1874). Global Ant Project – World Ant Taxonomists. [2018-04-28]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-01).
- ^ L. Watson; M. J. Dallwitz. British Insects. DELTA, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. [2018-04-28]. (原始內容存檔於2019-10-08).
- ^ Simon van Noort. Mymaridae: Classification of afrotropical mymarid wasps. WaspWeb, Iziko South African Museum. [2018-04-28]. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-15).
- ^ John T. Huber; Gennaro Viggiani; Ricardo Jesu. Order Hymenoptera, family Mymaridae (PDF). Arthropod fauna of the UAE. 2009, 2: 270–297 [2018-04-28]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-06-30).
- ^ John T. Huber. The gender and derivation of genus-group names in Mymaridae and Mymarommatidae (Hymenoptera) (PDF). Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 2005, 69: 167–183 [2018-04-28]. ISSN 1211-376X. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2021-02-27).
- ^ George Poinar Jr.; John T. Huber. D.E. Shcherbakov; M.S. Engel; M.J. Sharkey , 編. Advances in the Systematics of Fossil and Modern Insects: Honouring Alexandr Rasnitsyn. ZooKeys (Pensoft). 2011, 130 (130): 461–472 [2018-04-28]. PMC 3260775 . PMID 22259293. doi:10.3897/zookeys.130.1241. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-13).
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