
威廉·亚当 (建筑师)

William Adam
Linktown of Abbotshall(今法夫柯科迪

威廉·亚当William Adam,1689年10月 – 1748年6月24日)是一位苏格兰建筑师和商人,生前是苏格兰著名的建筑师之一。[1][2] 他有时担任建筑师,有时也当独立承包商。他设计建造的建筑多属帕拉第奥式,但也受到了约翰·凡布鲁巴洛克式建筑的影响。

在18世纪,威廉·亚当被誉为苏格兰的“世界建筑师”(Universal Architect),以显示他的声望与影响力。[3] 但到了20世纪早期,一些建筑评论家,例如科林·麦克威廉等开始对其进行批判。[1] 他的儿子中有三人,即约翰罗伯特詹姆斯也成为了较有名气的建筑师,后两者也是“亚当风格”的创始人。


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 McWilliam, p.57
  2. ^ Glendinning, et al. (1999) p.48
  3. ^ John Clerk of Eldin first used the term "Universal Architect" to describe Adam, in his unpublished Life of Robert Adam. Gifford (1990) p.1


  • Colvin, Howard, (1978) A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects, 1600–1840, John Murray
  • Donaldson, Peter R. Conservation Case Study: The Duff House Project. Architectural Heritage. 1996, VI: 33–48. 
  • Dunbar, John (1978) Architecture of Scotland, 2nd edition, B.T. Batsford. ISBN 0-7134-1142-2
  • Fenwick, Hubert (1970) Architect Royal: the Life and Work of Sir William Bruce, Roundwood Press
  • Fleming, John (1962) Robert Adam and His Circle, John Murray
  • Friedman, Terry. Mr Inigo Pilaster and Sir Christopher Cupolo: On the Advantages of Architectural Farrago. Architectural Heritage. 1990, I: 33–48. 
  • Gifford, John (1989) William Adam 1689–1748, Mainstream Publishing / RIAS
  • Gifford, John. William Adam and the Historians. Architectural Heritage. 1990, I: 33–48. 
  • Gifford, John (1992) The Buildings of Scotland: Highlands and Islands, Penguin
  • Glendinning, Miles, McKechnie, Aonghus, and McInnes, Ranald (1999) Building a Nation: The Story of Scotland's Architecture, Canongate. ISBN 0-86241-830-5
  • Glendinning, Miles, and McKechnie, Aonghus, (2004) Scottish Architecture, Thames and Hudson. ISBN 0-500-20374-1
  • Hannah, Ian C. (1988) The Story of Scotland in Stone, 2nd edition, Strong Oak Press. ISBN 1-871048-05-2
  • McKean, Charles (2004) The Scottish Chateau, Sutton Publishing. ISBN 0-7509-3527-8
  • McWilliam, Colin (1978) The Buildings of Scotland: Lothian (except Edinburgh), Penguin
  • Rykwert, Joseph, and Rykwert, Anne (1985) The Brothers Adam – The Men and the Style, Collins, London. ISBN 0-00-217509-6
  • Walker, Frank Arneil (2000) The Buildings of Scotland: Argyll and Bute, Penguin


  • Adam, William. Vitruvius Scoticus Being a Collection of Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Public Buildings, Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Houses in Scotland, Principally from the Designs of the Late William Adams, Esq. Architect. Edinburgh: Printed for Adam Black and J.J. Robertson, 1812.
  • Gifford, John. William Adam, 1689–1748 A Life and Times of Scotland's Universal Architect. Edinburgh: Mainstream, 1989. ISBN 1-85158-295-9
  • Howard, Deborah (Ed.), William Adam. Architectural Heritage I. The Journal of the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland, issue 17. Edinburgh, University Press. 1990. ISBN 0-7486-0232-1
