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拓展論文(英語:extended essay)簡稱 (EE) 是國際文憑大學預科課程(IB Diploma)裏一個必須完成的核心項目。修讀此文憑的學生需要根據自己的興趣去進行探究和研究來獨立完成一篇不多於4000字的學術論文(拓展論文)。[1] 拓展論文和其他的核心項目一樣,包括知識理論(Theory of Knowlege,簡稱TOK)課程[註 1]和創意行動服務 (Creativity,Action,Service,簡稱CAS)[註 2],都必須由學生按時完成,否則不能取得IB文憑證書。
雖然拓展論文是可以根據學生所選的題目而寫的,但它還是推薦選擇一些包括在IB課程而學生也有選讀的科目領域內的題目(例如可以選擇研究一本從未在IB英語課程內學習過的書本)。[2] 可是,由於所選的題目必須要在4000字(英語)的限制內完成,因此不能於太過廣泛或狭窄。此外,和題目有關的科目必須要由一位學校所屬的老師以IB課程的方式來授教(因此能夠確保會有擁有相應專業知識的老師來從旁指導學生)。而用來寫拓展論文的科目(不是題目),是被推薦選擇一些學生一向都有選修的科目(雖然不一定要遵從)。另外,除非學生所寫的題目是有關世界研究,否則EE是不能誇越多個科目,只能根據一個科目來寫。However, some subjects include several disciplines, with an emphasis towards one. 例如社會學此科是能夠包括化學,生物學,物理學等科目generally with an emphasis toward one discipline.
The supervisor provides the student with assistance in putting together their EE, including guiding them in finding a suitable research question and on how to acquire the necessary resources to complete the research (such as a specific resource material–often hard-to-find documents or books–or laboratory equipment). The supervisor may suggest improvements to a version of the EE, but must not be engaged in writing it. The IBO recommends that the supervisor spend approximately two to three hours in total with the candidate discussing the EE. Some schools allow their students to choose a supervisor from outside their school, provided that the student appoint a teacher from inside the school to handle required administrative paperwork (such as anti-plagiarism policies).
Extended essays are marked by external assessors (examiners appointed by the IB) on a scale of 0 to 36. There are "general" and "subject-specific" criteria, at a ratio of 2:1 (24 possible marks for the general criteria and 12 marks for the subject-specific one). The total mark is converted into a grade from A to E. A similar system is used for theory of knowledge and students can gain up to 3 points for the diploma based on the grades achieved for EE and TOK. Prior to the class of 2010, a diploma candidate could receive a failing grade in either the extended essay or theory of knowledge and still be awarded a diploma. However, if a student scores an E on either the extended essay or TOK essay post-2010, he or she will only be eligible to receive an IB diploma if 28 points are achieved overall.[3]
% 取得的等級 | A | B | C | D | E |
拓展論文 | 10.59% | 16.50% | 38.88% | 27.62% | 6.41% |
來源: May 2008 results at page 12 of ibsca Curriculum Content Guide, 4 February 2009[4] |
- ^ IB Diploma Programme curriculum, extended essay. International Baccalaureate. [2009-07-23].
- ^ IB Diploma Programme, Extended Essay Handbook (PDF). International Baccalaureate. [2010-08-13].
- ^ IB Diploma Programme, Extended Essay Handbook (PDF). International Baccalaureate. [2012-03-01].
- ^ ibsca Curriculum Content Guide, February 2009
- 國際文憑組織(IBO)官方網頁The Diploma Programme