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德占挪威时期(挪威語:Norge under andre verdenskrig)始于1940年4月9日纳粹德国袭击并攻占挪威之后。在傀儡時期,很多人起義,支持盟軍。在1944年,德國以為同盟國會在這裏登陸,所以建造了很多的機槍塔及其他防守設施,但是實際同盟國會登陸的地方是法國諾曼第。後來1945年,納粹德國戰敗,簽署投降協議,終結了德佔挪威時期。
- Andenaes, Johs; et al. Norway and the Second World War. Oslo: Grundt Tanum. 1966.
- Dahl, Hans Fredrik. Quisling: A Study in Treachery. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1999. ISBN 0-521-49697-7.
- Friis, Erik J. The Norwegian Government-In-Exile, 1940–45. Scandinavian Studies. Essays Presented to Dr. Henry Goddard Leach on the Occasion of his Eighty-fifth Birthday. Seattle: University of Washington Press. 1965: 422–444.
- Herrington, Ian. The Special Operations Executive in Norway 1940–1945: Policy and Operations in the Strategid and Political Context (PhD论文). De Montfort University, Leicester. 2004. hdl:2086/2421.
- Kersaudy, Francois. Norway 1940. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1998. ISBN 0-8032-7787-3.
- Mann, Chris. British Policy and Strategy Towards Norway, 1941–45. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2012. ISBN 978-0-230-21022-6.
- Riste, Olav & Nøkleby, Berit. Norway 1940–45: The Resistance Movement. Oslo: Grundt Tanum. 1970.
- Vigness, Paul Gerhardt. The German Occupation of Norway. New York: Vantage Press. 1970.
- Ziemke, Earl F. The German Decision to Invade Norway and Denmark. Roberts Greenfield, Kent (编). Command Decisions. United States Army Center of Military History. 2000 [1960] [18 June 2010]. CMH Pub 70-7. (原始内容存档于30 December 2007).
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