




所有來源會以行內引用進行標註,一般會以腳註的方式來進行引用(請參考引用來源[3]。In addition to an inline citation, in-text attribution is usually required when quoting or closely paraphrasing source material(例如:「約翰·史密斯寫到,這個建築物看起來很壯觀」,或是「根據史密斯(2012年)的文獻......」)[4]。The Manual of Style requires in-text attribution when quoting a full sentence or more.[5] Naming the author in the text allows the reader to see that it relies heavily on someone else's ideas, without having to search in the footnote. You can avoid inadvertent plagiarism by remembering these rules of thumb:


  1. ^ "What Constitutes Plagiarism?", Harvard Guide to Using Sources, Harvard University: "In academic writing, it is considered plagiarism to draw any idea or any language from someone else without adequately crediting that source in your paper. It doesn't matter whether the source is a published author, another student, a Web site without clear authorship, a Web site that sells academic papers, or any other person: Taking credit for anyone else's work is stealing, and it is unacceptable in all academic situations, whether you do it intentionally or by accident."(在學術寫作中,如果未能在論文中充分標註來源,而借用他人的任何想法或語言,便會被視為抄襲。無論來源是已出版的作者、其他學生、無明確作者的網站、販售學術論文的網站或其他任何人:將他人的工作據為己有就是偷竊,這在所有學術情況下都不能接受,無論你是故意還是無意這樣做。)該來源提供了各種抄襲類型的例子,包括逐字抄襲、拼湊抄襲、不充分的改寫、未標註來源的改寫和未標註來源的引用。
  2. ^ "University-wide statement on plagiarism", University of Cambridge.

    For subject-specific guidelines, see "Guidance provided by Faculties and Departments", University of Cambridge.

  3. ^ For example, Smith 2012, p. 1, or Smith, John. Name of Book. Name of Publisher, 2012, p. 1.
  4. ^ "What Constitutes Plagiarism?", Harvard Guide to Using Sources, Harvard University (see "Uncited paraphrase" and "Uncited quotation").

    There may be exceptions when using extensive content from free or copy-left sources, so long as proper attribution is provided in footnote or in the references section at the bottom of the page.

  5. ^ 節錄英語維基百科格式手冊的「Attribution」章節:對於完整句子或更長的引文,應在正文中標明作者姓名,而不是使用腳註。然而,如果引文明顯來自文章或章節中所討論的人物,則無需標註來源。在引述前標註來源時,避免以偏頗的方式進行描述。